✨ Expansion E-book ✨
Welcome to your Expansion journey!
Are you tired of your experiences and looking to create your truest desires? Are you tired of listening to the same old stories you or someone created on repeat? Are you tired of having pain all the time?
The Universe is asking us to expand. To create. But in doing that we need to prep our bodies. Prep our minds. Allow time and space on even thinking of something bigger for ourselves!
I have created an E-book just for you with some of my own practices to help you create the life you desire. This year is all about working with the energy and really tapping into what we want and releasing parts of us that cannot hold up the highest version of ourselves! This is a PDF and delivered right to you via email. You will also get meditations delivered to you via email and can be downloaded. This is something you can do when it’s right for you. In your own time, in your own way.
What’s included?
Practices to help you connect with yourself and expand your energy
Journal prompts to help anchor what you are releasing and what you want to create
Meditations for a guided experience
🚨These are practices that will want to become part of your routine. Your results depend on the commitment you have for yourself and your dreams. No one else can do this for you.
When it gets uncomfortable- keep going. Journal what comes up and come back to what you want. These are practices I have been doing for quite a while. I had a lot I wanted to release. You may see others around you and feeling like they are way ahead of you. Don’t judge your journey. I had to release many beliefs before stepping into my power and expanding in that way. Trust your own journey.
I am in this with you. Let’s create what we really want. When we are expanded, our experiences become expanded.
I can’t wait to hear your stories! Don’t be scared to share! I wish you a very expanded journey!
Welcome to your Expansion journey!
Are you tired of your experiences and looking to create your truest desires? Are you tired of listening to the same old stories you or someone created on repeat? Are you tired of having pain all the time?
The Universe is asking us to expand. To create. But in doing that we need to prep our bodies. Prep our minds. Allow time and space on even thinking of something bigger for ourselves!
I have created an E-book just for you with some of my own practices to help you create the life you desire. This year is all about working with the energy and really tapping into what we want and releasing parts of us that cannot hold up the highest version of ourselves! This is a PDF and delivered right to you via email. You will also get meditations delivered to you via email and can be downloaded. This is something you can do when it’s right for you. In your own time, in your own way.
What’s included?
Practices to help you connect with yourself and expand your energy
Journal prompts to help anchor what you are releasing and what you want to create
Meditations for a guided experience
🚨These are practices that will want to become part of your routine. Your results depend on the commitment you have for yourself and your dreams. No one else can do this for you.
When it gets uncomfortable- keep going. Journal what comes up and come back to what you want. These are practices I have been doing for quite a while. I had a lot I wanted to release. You may see others around you and feeling like they are way ahead of you. Don’t judge your journey. I had to release many beliefs before stepping into my power and expanding in that way. Trust your own journey.
I am in this with you. Let’s create what we really want. When we are expanded, our experiences become expanded.
I can’t wait to hear your stories! Don’t be scared to share! I wish you a very expanded journey!
Welcome to your Expansion journey!
Are you tired of your experiences and looking to create your truest desires? Are you tired of listening to the same old stories you or someone created on repeat? Are you tired of having pain all the time?
The Universe is asking us to expand. To create. But in doing that we need to prep our bodies. Prep our minds. Allow time and space on even thinking of something bigger for ourselves!
I have created an E-book just for you with some of my own practices to help you create the life you desire. This year is all about working with the energy and really tapping into what we want and releasing parts of us that cannot hold up the highest version of ourselves! This is a PDF and delivered right to you via email. You will also get meditations delivered to you via email and can be downloaded. This is something you can do when it’s right for you. In your own time, in your own way.
What’s included?
Practices to help you connect with yourself and expand your energy
Journal prompts to help anchor what you are releasing and what you want to create
Meditations for a guided experience
🚨These are practices that will want to become part of your routine. Your results depend on the commitment you have for yourself and your dreams. No one else can do this for you.
When it gets uncomfortable- keep going. Journal what comes up and come back to what you want. These are practices I have been doing for quite a while. I had a lot I wanted to release. You may see others around you and feeling like they are way ahead of you. Don’t judge your journey. I had to release many beliefs before stepping into my power and expanding in that way. Trust your own journey.
I am in this with you. Let’s create what we really want. When we are expanded, our experiences become expanded.
I can’t wait to hear your stories! Don’t be scared to share! I wish you a very expanded journey!